Stories from a Witches Cabinet


The Daily blog of a Daily Witch. From Daily Tarot readings, to excerpts from my own personal book of shadows, to Astrology and general thoughts, Handcrafts and the overall life of a Housewife Witch.

Happy Solar New Year

As we welcome in the Solar New year, we are blessed with the powerful and positive energy of change. The ending of a passage around the sun to begin a new one is no small event, just as the ending of the seasons to welcome a new one. The Solar New year is the perfect time to openly welcome the positive side of change into our lives. Even though some people are afraid of change, it is a fact of life that there is GOOD change. This is also something the Temple of Hecate teaches. When we are aware of the events of our lives, it is very easy to see and ask for were change needs to be made. This can be about ourselves, or even our environment. Positive changes can be made by simply asking for them. Today, write a small list of the positive changes you want this year. This can be in the forms of Resolutions, or affirmations. You can make a spell of it if you’d like. As the new years ball drops be aware of the changes in your life that you’d like. Bringing this changes into your awareness at such a magnificent energy change will help boost them into action. Try to stay as sober, and aware of the night as possible so that our judgment isn’t impaired and our ability to stay focused isn’t lost. And as Always, Drive safe, and enjoy your evening. Have a Happy New Years. J  

Housewife Withcery: A simple Room Cleansing Spell

A simple Room Cleansing spell

For this spell you will need

·       A White Tea light Candle
·       Dried White Sage
·       A broom or small handbroom
·       Lavender Oil (optional)

Just as with any other cleansing spell, you will need to clean the room before you cast. Clean the room to the best of your capabilities. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but negative energy lingers in things that haven’t been moved much, and are collecting dust.
After the room has been cleansed Light your sage and Smudge the entire room. You can buy White Sage at most metaphysical shops, if Dried White Sage is not available to you, you can buy the herb fresh or in powder form and mix it with water. This sage water can be sprayed or flicked around the room. Make sure you smude the entire room. Use your hand broom to get the smoke into all the corners, behind furniture and under tables. Walk the room three times, smudging the room completely each time.
Once this is done, light the white candle and walk the room with three times continuously repeating:

“With the white light,
Of this candle burning bright
I cleanse this room
Of all negativities this night”

Once you are finished put the candle in the room somewhere safe, and allow it to burn down completely. You may wish to place it in an oil burner with some Lavender Oil to freshen up the room as well. 

What is a Moon Lodge? Ramblings from a Moon Lodge

What is a Moon Lodge?
Ramblings from a Moon Lodge
A Monthly blog about Moon Time By Fae Kieran

            Moon time is how many witches refer to their Menstruation Cycles. It is called Moon Time because it is said, that not only does the Moon affect the ebb and flow of the oceans but also the Menstrual flow of blood. The waters of the womb. It is also called moon time because it generally happens every 28 days, like the phases of the moon.  Much of today’s society curbs Moon time under the category of “just dealing with it”. We take a lot of medicine and stuff our bodies with chemicals and the gods know what else just so we can function properly. And while I am all on the bandwagon for functioning normally we as a society have all but forgotten the spiritual and sometimes necessary purging and healing woman should go through during their moon time. Let’s face it, it is part of nature. No matter how much midol we take, it still sucks. But there ARE a few things that you can do that will usher in surprising results.
            In ancient days, woman of a tribe or village would gather during their moon times and they would be taken care of by the elder woman and younger maids (to young for puberty) of the village. During this time, they would bleed on the earth, throw it into the fire and with it cast away their pains and discomforts. They would speak ill of their husbands, laugh about the small things, cry over the big things, scold their children, and so on and so forth. All in the dedication of their gods and for a higher spiritual purpose. Now a days women are nothing but scolded at their attitudes. They are called several names, and there is no excuse for her behavior. Yet, what if this is what a woman is SUPPOSE to do? What if this is all just a natural cycle of her healing? Women have a lot of responsibilities that are taken for granted, and often over looked. More often then not, they are the ones who cook, who clean, who take care of children, who create energy and supply it for those around her. Modern Feminism would have you believing that these things are only for a Neolithic society. While this still holds true, I think these things are part of what makes the female…female. The Divine aspect of life of the goddess on this planet.  The Goddess lives within each and every woman, and to nurture her and care for her is to accept the divine feminine in each of us. This includes Moon Time.

            I could ramble on for hours about the divine female, the degradation of women, the idea of modern feminism versus feminine spirituality, and the subjugation of moon time by the patriarchal society we live in. But I won’t this time. Moon time is a sacred time for women. It allows us to purge our bodies of the negativity that we have sucked up and collected over the last 28 days. This can be done in any way we see fit. We can either let nature take its course, or there are a few things we can do that provide both spiritual AND physical relief.

The first is, to take care of ourselves. As a spiritual advisor and teacher my first prescription for any patient or charge is, take care of yourself. Your body is a temple for the soul. It is the only body you will have for this entire life time. So, that puts it on the of the list. Only put the best you can find (and in some cases, afford) into your body. This means, no processed foods, no sugars or caffeine and nothing addictive like drugs or alcohol for the duration of moon time. All of these things have a massive negative impact on the functionality of your body and energy flow. Now, there are several alternatives, and none of these things are set in stone. If you’re the type of person who CAN’T live without morning coffee don’t deny yourself morning coffee. Perhaps drink a smaller cup, or even decaf. If you deny yourself anything, you begin to crave it. This begins a negative cycle and the downfall of all the work you put into it because people generally tend to then scarf tons of what they are craving for. Defeating the purpose of everything you are working for. This method will work for most of the things I listed. I’d try your best however, to stay away from *all* drugs and alcohol. Unless you have a prescription from your doctor that is necessary for your well-being. Stay away from recreational uses of drugs or any mind altering substances.  This can have negative impacts on your brain and energy patterns that actually increase the side affects of PMS.

Next, I strongly recommend some sort of daily exercise on top of some sort of spiritual exercise like yoga. Daily exercise can help to alleviate cramps and allow your excess energy to be released. On top of spiritual exercises that allow for the flow of energy to move through you’re chakras. This doesn’t have to be Yoga. Tai Chi is another alternative. If you’re not hot on the exercise, try going on a solitary walk with nature for approx. 30 minuets. I would add a daily meditation to the mix, it doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Ten or Fifteen minuets listening to some relaxing music is all it would take. I suggest also getting into the routine of grounding and centering several times during the day. Along side the benefits Grounding and Centering has for you energy flow, it can help keep those rising emotions quelled when they begin to peak over the edge.

My last bit of advice for this column  is writing. This is something else I prescribe quite a bit of. Unfortunately in today’s society we don’t have the benefit of public moon lodges for women to go to and “Let it all out” so we have to use what is readily available to us. Whether that is a blog like this, or your own personal journal is all up too you. Getting it all out is a very helpful and age old tactic that healers have used for centuries. Have you ever been really upset, told someone what was bothering you, then suddenly felt a ton better? That’s the subtle magick of getting-it-all-out. Consider yourself lucky if you have a friend or loved one you can use as a shoulder and an ear, because not everyone does. This simple technique takes some practice. You can’t simple write “I am upset, bad day” and expect everything to be better, although that is a good start. And remember you’re not J.R.R Tolkien or J.K Rowling here. You don’t have to write an award winning and time lasting novel. It could simply be a paragraph of incoherent ramblings. It isn’t important.

            Moon time for women is not just “that time of the month” it can be turned into at truly prolific spiritual experience every single month. It is all up to us. The female is a sacred vessel, and everything she does serves its purpose to not only herself but to the whole of divinity and life. 



            The word “Witch” in it self is practically impossible to describe in its fullest. It requires so much more than just spells, herbs, and the phases of the moon. And no matter how hard anyone tries, the true meaning of the word is not ever going to be written down. The reason for this, is because it is about self-explanation, self-discovery, self-knowledge, and self-love. The word will continually change as it has over the years and as it will continue to in the years to come. As more knowledge is unlocked, as human consciousness continues to grow and expand. The word will grow and change. It is a word that encompasses many of all paths and a sense of age old knowledge mixed with the new lessons being learned by young witches today.
            Witchcraft its self is a spiritual path. It is not a religion. However, there are religions that are made up of witches, the followers of Wicca for one. Witchcraft is not bound to anyone God, or set guide of standards and rules. There is no one book that all Witches believe to be their rules, and there is no limit as to the different types of culture that any one witch can use in her practice. All of these things makes the term Witch broad and vague. A witch may pray to the Gods and goddess of Ancient Greece one moon phase, and at the same time lay out an offering for the old Celtic Gods. It is limitless. Each witch picks pathes and cultures that she herself feels connected to. It may be from her heritage, or just her favorite place in the world. There are many similarities in all the worlds’ religions so mixing and matching them together to fit what works best for you is the best way to work the magick.
            Taking up the mantle of witchcraft comes with responsibilities however. Any body can become a witch, but not everybody will appreciate the powers and the gifts that we are naturally born with. As witches, it is our birth right to attune ourselves to the powers of natures and to teach and learn that throughout our lives. We should honor the gods in all the work that we do, knowing that when our work is completed and our time to pass in to the Summer Havens comes, the world is even just a fraction better because of our time on it.
            Being a witch is about loving who you are. Yet, that is still only a part of our cause on this planet. We must learn about the Goddess, what she really is and of her consort the King of the Woods. The God and The Goddess surrounded by lore buried so deep into every religion, sometimes we hardly know where they are. Each has changed over the ages and with the different cultures, knowledge of the universe, and spiritual awareness. A Witch must learn the phases of the moon, and the individual powers that it possesses. She must grow and learn about life, death, and rebirth. She must listen to voices of those who came before, her spiritual guides, and the Gods who guide her path. She may want to learn to read the stars, or gaze deep into a scrying glass or read the cards/runes. She should learn the language of the trees, hear the chirp of the birds and buzz of the bees, to be aware that each animal has a message for her. She should understand that her feelings are a blessing, and that her body is a temple, a temple for her spirit, which is part of the goddesses great light. She should learn that the secret is her will, which her world is shaped by this secret and power. Above all she must learn Faith, and that everything happens for a reason.
            It is with this, that only the beginning of the word Witch is described.

Day 32. A favourite piece of Witchy Artwork.

It makes me giggle. Because its true.

Day 31. A favourite witchy movie

Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman are both my favourite actresses

Day 29. Water Element

Water is my primary ruling element, and dragons are my favourite mythological creatures.

Day 28. A Witchy I want It now

I Want the handmade charmed book of shadows from Tallpoppy Studios , for a completely novel reason. I loved watching the show growing up, and I still love it today. 

Day 27. A picture of Nature. Elemental Earth.


Daily Witchery: Turning the Mundane into Magick

Daily Witchery:

A lot of witches preach “Daily Witchery”. They emphasize the correspondences of the days, the colors, the positions of the moon, and make it a practice to have affirmations, meditations, and gods know everything else they can think of. But, time and time again, I’ve been asked what IS daily witchery? Why is it important for a witch to do these things? And this is always my answer. It’s not. It’s alright ladies…unbunch your stripped stockings and listen to what I have to say.

I fancy myself a “Housewife Witch”. Most of my magick is so…simply mundane that there is barely any thought or effort put into it…but at the same time it is uniquely abundant and the results are almost instantaneous. Most witches will tell you that Magick is beautiful and simple, and it doesn’t require spells, rituals, or the like. Life, is magick, and daily life can be just as magickal as YOU the witch want to make it. Yes, I still honour the gods with Ritual, I do a little spell or charm from time to time, and I practice affirmations. But only for as long as I need them.

Many people go out of their way and try to practice “A spell A day”. And I commend these brave witches, and am glad they have the supplies and means to bring such wonder into their lives daily. However, not every one of us can do that. Who has time for daily spells, or the means to supply themselves with the required materials for such all the time. I don’t know about you, but buying a red candle to light every time its “Aries Day” would get a little expensive after a while. Us modern day witches have houses to clean, husbands and children to care after and feed. Animals to bathe, feed, and play with. And lives to live. Plus catchy and witty Witch blogs to write! ;)

So…what do we do then? How do we find time to mix and mingle with daily witchcraft when we are so busy living our daily lives? The solution is simple: Make your daily lives more magickal! I know what you’re thinking “What? Faewynn, now you’re just not making any sense.” Well how about this…when you are sweeping your floors (or vacuuming them) have you thought about this…You’ve charged your Ritual Broom/Besom to cleanse away negativity what about the rest of your cleaning supplies? Who says we can’t charge a vacuum to “suck up” all of the negative energy in the house? As long as we dispose of the vacuum bag properly who will ever be the wiser? “Mom, why are you always vacuuming?” Are you vacuuming, or taking an active step to make your house more peaceful and negativity free? Especially if you have to deal with angst ridden or emotional roommates or children.

Taa-daa! See, know you’ve turned a mundane and everyday task into something magickal and wonderful. And You’ve barely lifted a finger differently. Clever aren’t you! Know I’m sure you’ve got a billion new simple ideas just waiting to be explored. How about sewing on little magickal symbols on to cleaning cloths and using lavender water to spruce up countertops after cleaning? When you’re making dinner, why not create or say a little charm to bless the food or after words give a small portion of dinner to nature outside? When you’re spending time with your animals are you trying to bond with their energy to help make it part of your own? Have you ever thought you can use this energy for different magickal purposes just like animal totems? When you’re spending time with your children or your husband is your time devoted to loving and caring about them? Do you try to connect, talk, learn and teach from each other? Even this is a simple form of magick that you can get into the practice of doing. There is a reason the dinner table is such an important place.

My Housewife Witchery can be as simple or complex as I make it. You don’t even have to be a housewife OR a Witch. Magick is in everything I create. From the candles I burn in certain rooms, to the herbs I put in the food I cook. From the time I spend with my Boyfriend and Friends, to every day when I sit here on the computer during my alone time relaxing, and writing to you. Did you know, writing could be a spell? Even simple journaling can have such a powerful effect on your life, that it brings about drastic changes. Not a writer? That’s okay to. You don’t have to be J.R.R. Tolkein to be able to write about your day.

Even in your workplace, there are simple and little magickal things that can be done, like a coffee break can be a time used for magickal grounding and centering. If you’re greeting people, is it done with a smile? One of the ones that can brighten peoples days and turn them around? Even the simple effort of completing a task can be turned magickal. All you have to do is look.

This simple magick is easy and can be made almost readily available with little or no new supplies to your daily life. Out of everything I suggested, there is *maybe* only one thing you didn’t already own, The Lavender Oil to make Lavender Water. This simple form of Magick teaches us that we don’t have to perform Daily Magick, but that magick is a daily occurrence in our lives. Even the breath in your chest is a gift, and can be turned from mundane, to unique if channeled into Grounding and Centering. From the Broom in your cleaning cupboard, to the spice rack already in your kitchen, magick is there. All you have to do, is pick it up and use it. Blessed be. J

` Faewynn Lunaise

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Daily Witchcraft

Today the Moon is in Pisces. My ruling sign. Pisces ruling heavenly body is generally accredited to the watery planet Neptune, however since Pisces is water, the Moon plays a huge influence on the constant ebb and flow that a Pisces lives. When the Moon is in my sign, it is always a harder day than normal. Since Pisces are primarily emotions when the moon pulls on me, it can either benefit me greatly, or leave me lacking sorely. It is even worse when this happens during my Moon time (which luckily, I'm not in). For others the Pisces moon can also be beneficial or not. You may experience inward thinking on how you feel about many things, and your focus might turn to how others feel about you. Pisces moons are good for spells of love and affection, and also spells of healing both inward and outward. And remember if you find yourself over reacting to the small things, just ground and center and rethink "Should I really be getting this upset?" Burn candles of light blue, and soft calming incense when the moon is in Pisces to calm the ever turbulent Pisces waters.

Day 26. A Witchy Podcast

A Darker shade of Pagan 

^Link above. )O(

Day 25. How do your close ones feel about your Witchy Path?

Do they know? Why, or Why Not?

I was, extremely lucky and unfortunate to have been born into a family that was already Pagan and followed an Earth Worshipping Path. I know that, and have been told that by tons of people. I know so many people whose parents don’t know, or even…they spouses don’t. And this isn’t something I could live with. I have had so much support from friends, family and lovers throughout my life, and sometimes I’m easy to forget how lucky I am.

Although, my family doesn’t call themselves witches, they still do worship the goddess and god. Each in their own way.
Witchcraft was something that I discovered myself and simply applied to my own inherent gifts, abilities, and beliefs. 

Day 24. Moon Sign

Day 24. Moon Sign. Sagittarius. :) The Archer, which is cute...because Aretimis is one of my goddesses, and I love bows. :D

From my Natal Chart
More than anything, Lunar Sagittarians have a need for personal freedom and space. They are extraordinarily happy and easygoing folk, as long as they don't feel caged in or cooped up. Lunar Sagittarians have a simultaneous need for activity. Meeting new people, going out in the world, and travel are all important to their sense of well-being. They love open spaces, and, in their homes, a roomy and bright environment. There's a bit of a teacher in Moon in Sagittarius, and definitely a helpful spirit. They easily forget appointments and the like, and some are even considered irresponsible. However, it is hard to stay angry at a Lunar Sagittarian! They are so cheerful and upbeat, and their optimism is catchy.

Day 23. A favourite Candle

Currently my favourite candle is the Lavender and Vanilla Candle from Glade.

Day 22. Current Moon Phase

The Current moon phase is actually Waxing. A Waxing moon is the most commonly used for any type of  positive spellwork.

Day 21. A Favourite Scent

Day 21. A favourite Scent 

Lavender is a strong, but subtle blessing in my opinion. It has several magickal afffects, and several holistic purposes. It is my go to scent for anxiety and stress relief of any kind for anyone.