Stories from a Witches Cabinet


The Daily blog of a Daily Witch. From Daily Tarot readings, to excerpts from my own personal book of shadows, to Astrology and general thoughts, Handcrafts and the overall life of a Housewife Witch.



            The word “Witch” in it self is practically impossible to describe in its fullest. It requires so much more than just spells, herbs, and the phases of the moon. And no matter how hard anyone tries, the true meaning of the word is not ever going to be written down. The reason for this, is because it is about self-explanation, self-discovery, self-knowledge, and self-love. The word will continually change as it has over the years and as it will continue to in the years to come. As more knowledge is unlocked, as human consciousness continues to grow and expand. The word will grow and change. It is a word that encompasses many of all paths and a sense of age old knowledge mixed with the new lessons being learned by young witches today.
            Witchcraft its self is a spiritual path. It is not a religion. However, there are religions that are made up of witches, the followers of Wicca for one. Witchcraft is not bound to anyone God, or set guide of standards and rules. There is no one book that all Witches believe to be their rules, and there is no limit as to the different types of culture that any one witch can use in her practice. All of these things makes the term Witch broad and vague. A witch may pray to the Gods and goddess of Ancient Greece one moon phase, and at the same time lay out an offering for the old Celtic Gods. It is limitless. Each witch picks pathes and cultures that she herself feels connected to. It may be from her heritage, or just her favorite place in the world. There are many similarities in all the worlds’ religions so mixing and matching them together to fit what works best for you is the best way to work the magick.
            Taking up the mantle of witchcraft comes with responsibilities however. Any body can become a witch, but not everybody will appreciate the powers and the gifts that we are naturally born with. As witches, it is our birth right to attune ourselves to the powers of natures and to teach and learn that throughout our lives. We should honor the gods in all the work that we do, knowing that when our work is completed and our time to pass in to the Summer Havens comes, the world is even just a fraction better because of our time on it.
            Being a witch is about loving who you are. Yet, that is still only a part of our cause on this planet. We must learn about the Goddess, what she really is and of her consort the King of the Woods. The God and The Goddess surrounded by lore buried so deep into every religion, sometimes we hardly know where they are. Each has changed over the ages and with the different cultures, knowledge of the universe, and spiritual awareness. A Witch must learn the phases of the moon, and the individual powers that it possesses. She must grow and learn about life, death, and rebirth. She must listen to voices of those who came before, her spiritual guides, and the Gods who guide her path. She may want to learn to read the stars, or gaze deep into a scrying glass or read the cards/runes. She should learn the language of the trees, hear the chirp of the birds and buzz of the bees, to be aware that each animal has a message for her. She should understand that her feelings are a blessing, and that her body is a temple, a temple for her spirit, which is part of the goddesses great light. She should learn that the secret is her will, which her world is shaped by this secret and power. Above all she must learn Faith, and that everything happens for a reason.
            It is with this, that only the beginning of the word Witch is described.


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