Stories from a Witches Cabinet


The Daily blog of a Daily Witch. From Daily Tarot readings, to excerpts from my own personal book of shadows, to Astrology and general thoughts, Handcrafts and the overall life of a Housewife Witch.

Day 19: Fire Element

Day 19: Fire Element

I got to thinking Thursday night, when I posted about fire I said "It doesn't really resonate with me" I wasn't really thinking clearly at the time. Yes, I am a water element, and fire isn't really something I go out of the way to worship, i just never realized how much fire or fire energy I actually use. I use a lot of candles during rituals, and I do a lot of fire burning rituals. In fact, one of my favourite altar piece is a Lantern. Hecate carries the Lantern, and she holds it at the crossroads. She offers you light for you path. And it wasn't until I was walking the circle with my lantern around the circle, that I actually realized how significant Fire actually was to me.


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